Categories Microsoft Project Accelerator

Project Accelerator

By using Project Accelerator one can easily manage the process of creating and managing the projects efficiently. Since the data is managed in a secure Dataverse, the data can be securely stored and can be integrated to various office products. Since it’s a low or no code implementation, the creation of the new fields and tables is very seamless for a beginner levels.

Categories Modern Workplace

Debugging in Frontend

Debugging is a critical aspect of front-end development that involves finding and fixing issues in the user interface, web page layout, and JavaScript code. It is the process of identifying and resolving problems in your code that cause your application to behave incorrectly, crash or malfunction. Here, we will discuss some common debugging techniques, tools, and best practices that front-end developers can use to debug their applications.

    What is 1 + 5 ?

      What is 5 x 5 ?