Resource managers continually ensure to escalate the performance and managerial endeavours of an organization. They, without exception, make sure to succeed in tackling the regular tasks of assessing the capacity needs of their project portfolio, as well as assigning and tracking the progress and utilisation of resources.
The Art Of Blending Agile And WaterFall Methods
For improving business outcomes, organisations are following a myriad of methodologies. It may appear to be abnormal yet a feeling of competition between advocates of the waterfall and Agile is an ever ending discussion.
In It Together – Free OnePlan Solution for a Rapidly Changing World
The OnePlan Portfolio Plan solution will provide organizations with a robust Project Portfolio Management solution for organizing and managing their Pandemic response initiatives for free until the end of the year 2020.
The Great handshake – DevOps and Agile
As enterprises move to getting more leaner, the need to change in the way they work with respect to process culture and tools is in the forefront. Traditionally Development and Operations teams worked independently and in silos. As Agile began to gain prominence, lateral thinking on similar lines evolved to bring development and operational teams closer together due to the emergence of DevOps.
Microsoft Project Online Boundaries & Limitations
There are some significant limitations that you should know whether you are utilizing Project Online. These constraints apply paying little mind to whether you are appropriating Project Online independent from anyone else, or with other Office 365 plans.