Power BI provides interactive and insightful data visualization tools, among which the drill-down and drill-through functionalities stand out. These features provide users to navigate through different levels of data granularity which focus on mainly the specific insights.

Drill Down in Power BI

Drill-down functionality allows users to move to more levels within a hierarchy. This is especially useful for exploring data in hierarchical structures such as time (Year > Quarter > Month > Day) or organizational structures (Region > Country > City).

How to Set Up Drill Down

  • Create a Hierarchy:
  • In the Fields pane, drag and drop related columns (e.g., Year, Quarter, Month) to create a hierarchy.
  • Enable Drill Down:
  • In a visual (e.g., bar chart or table), click on the hierarchy icon to enable drill-down mode. This icon usually resembles a down arrow.
  • Interact with the Visual:
  • Click on data points to drill down into the next level of detail. For example, clicking on a year bar can show data for quarters within that year.


  • Better Insights
  • Cleaner Reports
  • More Intuitive & Engaging Reports
  • Interacts dynamically with other visuals on the report page.

Drill Through in Power BI

Drill Through reveals a more detailed and thorough look at the data, usually as a table or destination target page. It allows users to navigate to a detailed page focusing on a specific context.

How to Set Up Drill Through

  • Create a Drill-Through Page:
  • Add a new report page dedicated to specific insights (e.g., detailed customer data).
  • Add Drill-Through Fields:
  • Drag relevant fields (e.g., Customer Name, Product Category) into the Drill Through section of the new page.
  • Configure Visuals:
  • Create visuals (e.g., tables, charts) on the drill-through page that focus on the selected context.
  • Use Back Button:
  • Power BI automatically adds a back button to return to the original page.


  • Allows users to interact with visuals in details.
  • Easily help users to navigate from Summary Dashboard to Detailed reports on individual representative.
  • Cross-Page Interaction.

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