By using Project Accelerator one can easily manage the process of creating and managing the projects efficiently. Since the data is managed in a secure Dataverse, the data can be securely stored and can be integrated to various office products. Since it’s a low or no code implementation, the creation of the new fields and tables is very seamless for a beginner levels.

Project Requests:

Project Accelerator has various variety of functions where one can predict the demand which enables the PMs to have a quick oversight on the requests for Project creation. This Project requests can be integrated to Power BI where reporting will be much easier.

The inbuilt security in the Dataverse provides us the capability to control the project requests from its creation and approval. Custom Security can be enhanced depending on the requirements.


Program management provides a better controllability on the projects by grouping them into various programs. One can even create portfolios to manage the programs. Even these programs can be reported using Power BI.


The Projects are well managed in Project Accelerator. It comes with the default Project for the Web, which provides the legacy features of scheduling. Various Metadata fields can be created in the projects which allows the Project Managers to efficiently manage the projects and resources.

Project Accelerator provides various registers such as Risks, Changes, Issues, benefits to manage the nature of the Projects.

Custom registers can be created depending on the requirements. We can even track the financials at different levels across the project’s, programs, and portfolio levels.

All the data in the Projects can be reported in Power BI at various levels.

Status Reports & Views:

Status Reports can be created across the projects and program levels. These will be much useful for the Project Managers to tract the changes across the projects frequently. Even the views in the Project Accelerator can be configured depending on the requirements of the user. Different sort of views can be configured which captures the fields and can export them to excel as well.

Resource Management:

Custom applications can be integrated to project accelerator to manage the resources and plan the demand. Time spent by the resources across the projects can be tracked and time sheeted.

Security in Dataverse:

Security in the Dataverse is a role-based model which provides the users with a secure access to database. Security roles control a user’s access to an environment’s resources through a set of access levels and permissions. The combination of access levels and permissions that are included in a specific security role governs the limitations on the user’s view of apps and data, and on the user’s interactions with that data.

There were different set of security roles in dataverse, each one can be assigned to a user based on his role. These security roles can be integrated to Teams and can be assigned to a set of people.

Apart from these, Security can be integrated at a column level as well. Users can be restricted for some fields in the UI. Custom Security roles can be even created depending on the requirements.


Custom Plugins can be used in the Project accelerator whenever a modification or enhancement is required for an existing entity. We can even link these plugins to Microsoft CRM which can be furuther customised. Currently in the default Project accelerator, we cant restrict the deletion of the projects, by using these plugins we can restrict such deletion and creation activities.


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