As enterprises move to getting more leaner, the need to change in the way they work with respect to process culture and tools is in the forefront. Traditionally Development and Operations teams worked independently and in silos. As Agile began to gain prominence, lateral thinking on similar lines evolved to bring development and operational teams closer together due to the emergence of DevOps.

As enterprises move to getting more leaner, the need to change in the way they work with respect to process culture and tools is in the forefront. Traditionally Development and Operations teams worked independently and in silos. Each would follow a very heavy sequential waterfall type process. The challenge was the ability to effectively manage and meet customer and user demands. As Agile began to gain prominence, lateral thinking on similar lines evolved to bring development and operational teams closer together due to the emergence of DevOps. Organisations began to feel that they were better off workigng in a more lean way. Lean over Agile began to foster support.


Value over process and tools…

While Agile was perceived to be more outward looking, DevOps was manily focussed towards solving internal organisational problems. Interaction with customers, understanding their requirements, delviering solutions while getting their feedback. This approach was cemeneted into the approach to deliver software.

Agile and DevOps fundamentally share a similar foundation.They focus on people rather than the process, hence began towork well together. Both are light, structured, iterative and focused on delivering value/workable software solutions. Agile adopts the approach of prioritising tasks and organising them into short quick timebound sprint cycles. DevOps is a cyclical process of continuous delivery.

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Agile is more application development and supporting process. DevOps is release management of changes into the production environment. This involves the continuous integration of supporting processes.

For maximum value Agile Teams and DevOps teams are now working closer together addressing some of the inherit challenges that existed. This is where the magic happens, where different teams come together on different platforms and technologies synergising development, operations, change management and deployment in effect removing any barriers to success.

SAFe® defines DevOps as “a mindset,  a culture, and a set of technical practices. It provides communication, integration, automation, and close cooperation among all the people needed to plan, develop, test, deploy, release, and maintain a Solution.”

Many organisations have embarked on some sort of Agile journey. Organisations that are transforming into SAFe ®  or Any other Agile Portfolio frameworksneed to have a good grip on their Agile ways of working. They need a technology solution that enables them to manage their Agile programs and portfolios at the same time leveraging thier existing Agile delivery tools like Project for the Web, Azure DevOps or JIRA.

GLMS is in a unique position to assist and show case the tools that have been helping organisations across the globe.


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